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Experts in Skype & video calls

Pat enjoys regular video calls with her family

Lockdown 1.0 certainly brought some new challenges in quickly having to adapt our Residents to the use of modern technology. Now lockdown 2.0 is here, many of them are much more familiar in how to be comfortable in using devices such as the iPad, or Whatsapp for a video call. Some have become very independent with it.

…as does Silvia with a little assistance

These experiences have extended to big on screen interaction, with zoom physiotherapy sessions taking place via our large projector. Although thankfully this time around, our Physiotherapists have been able to continue their work in person.

Although daunting at first, with the support of our teams, our Residents have adapted incredibly well to everything 2020 has brought. We are so proud of everyone. And although we can’t wait to be out of lockdown once again, for now, we continue to zoom regularly.