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Keep in touch

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As we come through the UK’s third week of isolation, we’re grateful to our staff and their commitment. They care for our Residents to the highest standards, and continue to find ways to keep their spirits lifted.

We may be ‘locked down’ but we’re adapting our ways of working and caring, to continue ‘normal’ life, wherever we can. The Activities team are under the spot light trying to find new ways for Residents to engage (whilst social distancing) and they are really shining with the ideas that have been put into practice.

Keep in touch

It is relatively early days with the changes, and of course we all hope that the ‘new normal’ will peter out soon so that we can look forward to more exciting days. So many people in our community are keeping in touch wherever they can. We are thankful, and we do urge you, please to maintain this and contact your loved ones by phone. All residents have direct telephone lines, and Reception can pass on any messages. Some of our residents have been introduced to the virtual world of Facetime or Skype. This doesn’t suit everyone so we would still encourage the old fashioned telephone call.